Wednesday, August 29, 2012

And yet another post

If your reading this,... just hang on. GuruYou is on the way.
And another post,... hope I can delete this later.
This is a test post.  Eat organic or die,... that's right I said it!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A 98% failure rate! WOW

It's hard to believe that any focused effort to accomplish anything would have a 98% dependable rate. The amazing thing is that this is a FAILURE rate and worse it's a result of an allegedly honest attempt to actually succeed at this most vexing problem. That may be perplexing but what is really perplexing is the fact that the entire industry of weight loss continues to charge/make/spend, billions of dollars on only slight variations of the premise that has never ever worked. I mean if it was a only a 20% success rate or 10% or even 5% then I could see trying to tweak the premise a little in hopes that it's just a little thing that could be changed to achieve the result desired. But 98% failure??? Doesn't it seem that the entire idea of how to lose weight deserve a whole new look?

Recently I lost around 200 pounds. I was so darned excited that I retired from my mortgage banking career to start a new career as a weight loss Guru. After all I had proven that I had solved the puzzle and so I set out to put together a business to reach out to those who have suffered as I have suffered. If you've never been obese don't even try to imagine the pain and reduction in the quality of life that obesity causes. Being in the prison of an obese body is simply like..... well it's simply like being in a prison that you carry around with you. I found for me that all of the things that make life worth living were either made impossible by my obesity or made it so uncomfortable that I'd just as soon chew glass than engage in them. Things like playing sports, playing with my boys, having sex, going for a walk in the woods, getting a good nights sleep, attending any kind of social function were unbearable.

So I set out to help others to achieve the same weight loss that I achieved. Unfortunately as I worked to put together a business that would let me spread the good word,... something awful started to happen. I started to get farther and farther away from my desk!!! Well... this can not be. I'm eating like a freaking Gerbil. I'm walking for 2-3 hours per night and I'm not eating sugar, excessive fat, processed foods... I'm the poster boy for healthy eating. Never the less I was gaining weight. I was crushed. I had turned off my only source of income but now I was not able to sell my solution in good faith to any way because I had proven to myself that I did not have ALL of the puzzle like I thought I did. 40 years of study and agony and all I had been able to do was starve 200 pounds off of my frame. I was still in the grip of obesity and I knew it.

This blog will serve as a record of what I've found to be true about weight loss. Sorry I don't have anything to sell because I have not yet been able to stabilize my weight. I have actually gained back 40 pounds since I hit my goal weight. What a hart breaker.

I have been reading a book by Jon Abrams called "the Gabriel Method". It's promising. He thinks that what I'm going through is a famine response. Makes sense I guess. I'm following that path right now. I'll report back to you if it works. God I hope it works. Like many obese people I've considered ending it all rather than living as an obese person. God have you seen the suicide stats on fat people??? OMG! But I have two sons that need their Dad so I'll keep going. And when (not if) I find that last piece to the puzzle I'll be sure that you hear about it on this blog.